In this video lecture, Hito Steyerl speaks about the social function of art and artistic role models in the present day. The technical simplification of firearms once democratized the power privilege of the ruling class. Today art has become a mass phenomenon; its elitism has ruptured. But what is being democratized here? Standing in line for humiliating talent shows? The futile hopes of a growing class of urban poor for a creative career? Steyerl takes Victor Hugo’s "Les Misérables" as the center of a story about rebellion and self-exploitation, the artistic mythos and the culture industry. In this narrative the guerrillero Comrade X and the talent-show legend Susan Boyle end up in the same boat as Steyerl and her listeners, dreaming the strange dream of the struggle for freedom in creative capitalism.
I Dreamed A Dream: Politics in the Age of Mass Art Production 2013
Lecture and HD video

Recording: Former West project, Berlin; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Cast: Apo, Neman Kara, Tina Leisch, Sahin Okay, Siyar, Selim Yildiz Commissioned by: Anton Vidokle for Agency of Unrealised Projects
Documentation of a lecture given at Former West, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, March 2013
This lecture is not for sale. Institutions can add it to non-profit collections against a donation for Kurdish municipality refugee relief efforts.
Works by Hito Steyerl

Hito Steyerl was born in Munich in 1966. She studied in Tokyo, Munich, and Vienna before she moved to Berlin, where she lives and works today. As a filmmaker, visual artist, and author in the field of essayist documentary video, Steyerl is a frequent lecturer, has published influencial writings, and participated in numerous international exhibitions and biennials. She exhibited at documenta 12 in 2007 and in the German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2015.
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