Mixed media installation consisting ofs ingle channel HD video (16:9, color,silent), 5 costumes, collage, 24:40 min, Dimensions variable
* excerpt from Alexander Koch about Alice Creischer's Exhibition at KOW 2018
photos: Ladislav zajac
Für Camille B., 2016
Mixed media installation
In a war against France, the Germans finally found a crown to bow to. They founded their empire in 1871 as the occupying power sitting in Versailles. Among the young nation’s first heroic deeds was aiding the French reaction in crushing the Paris Commune, one of the most progressive political movements of its century. It was finally defeated by mass executions carried out with Prussian assistance. Then came the German colonial adventures with their genocides and deportations. A pattern was set.
And today? Today, German children drop dead one after another at Tropical Islands, an indoor holiday resort. Over and over. And over again. As though they kept being executed before the exotic décors of a fake paradise of prosperity. Palm trees tower beneath a fake sky where Cargolifter, a widely hyped business venture that was supposed to be a flagship of the East German economic recovery, ran aground. The plan was to build airships that would ferry German products to remote markets. Honi soit qui mal y pense: surely the public subsidies were not an instance of colonialist economic stimulus? In any case, the children keep dropping dead. Silently and without so much as a word or gesture. They wear the clothes of the Paris Communards who took bullets to the chest, stomach, and legs for the idea of equality. Might all these things somehow be connected? In this peculiar German history? *
Im Krieg gegen die Franzosen brachten sich die Deutschen endlich unter eine Krone. 1871 gründeten sie ihr Reich als Besatzungsmacht im okkupierten Versailles. Eine der ersten Heldentaten der jungen Nation war die Unterstützung der französischen Reaktionäre bei der Zerschlagung einer der fortschrittlichsten politischen Bewegungen des Jahrhunderts, der Pariser Commune. Sie fand ihr Ende mit preußischer Hilfe in Massenhinrichtungen. Es folgten die deutschen Kolonialabenteuer mit ihren Genoziden und Deportationen, und so ähnlich ging es dann ja weiter.
Und heute? Heute fallen im Freizeitpark Tropical Islands reihenweise deutsche Kinder um. Immer wieder. Und erneut. Wie immerzu erschossen in den exotischen Kulissen eines falschen Wohlstandsparadieses. Da wo heute Palmen unter falschem Himmel stehen, scheiterte einst das aufsehenerregende Aufbau-Ost-Projekt Cargolifter. Das sollte neue Zeppeline bauen, um deutsche Güter in schwer erreichbare Absatzmärkte zu transportieren. Ein Schelm, wer darin eine kolonialistische Konjunkturmaßnahme sieht. Die Kinder jedenfalls, die fallen dort noch einmal. Still, tonlos und lakonisch. Sie tragen die Kleidung der Pariser Kommunarden, die für die Idee der Gleichheit Schüsse in Brust, Bauch und Beine kassierten. Ob das alles irgendetwas miteinander zu tun hat? In dieser sonderlichen deutschen Geschichte?
Alice Creischer, Für Camille B. / To Camille B., 2016, HD Video as part of a mixed media installation, 24:40 minutes

Alice Creischer

Alice Creischer, born in Gerolstein in 1960, studied Philosophy, German literature and Visual Arts in Düsseldorf. As one of the key figures of German political art movements in the Nineties, Creischer contributed to a great amount of collective projects, publications, and exhibitions. Her artistic and theoretic agenda within institutional and economical critique has evolved over 30 years, more recently focusing on the early history of capitalism and globalization. As co-curator of such paradigmatic exhibitions like Messe 2ok (1995), ExArgentina (2004) and The Potosi Principle (2010-), Creischer has developed a specific curatorial practice that correlates with her work as an artist and theorist, including her extensive practice in archive research. As author Creischer has contributed to many publications, magazines and fanzines. Her work has been shown in institutions and art spaces all over the world such as Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2022, 2021, 2019, 2017), Kunstverein Heidelberg (2022), LWL Museum, Münster (2021), Gegenwartsmuseum, Basel (2020), Gropius Bau, Berlin (2019), Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven (2018), Culturgest, Lisbon (2017), Museum der Moderne, Salzburg (2016), Ludwig Forum Aachen (2015), Documenta 12 (2009), Macba, Barcelona (2008), Secession (2002) amongst many others. She currently holds a professorship together with Andreas Siekmann at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna.
- Anna Boghiguian
- Candice Breitz
- Marco A. Castillo
- Alice Creischer
- Chto Delat
- Clegg & Guttmann
- Eugenio Dittborn
- Heinrich Dunst
- Anna Ehrenstein
- León Ferrari
- Peter Friedl
- Sophie Gogl
- Barbara Hammer
- Ramon Haze
- Hiwa K
- Simon Lehner
- Renzo Martens
- Chris Martin
- Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger
- Oswald Oberhuber
- Mario Pfeifer
- Dierk Schmidt
- Santiago Sierra
- Michael E. Smith
- Franz Erhard Walther
- Clemens von Wedemeyer
- Tobias Zielony