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Yours, KOW


, Franz Erhard Walther

Nov 30 – Feb 13, 2013


In the past few years, Franz Erhard Walther (born 1939) has created a new set of works he calls Körperformen (Body Shapes). With the maturity of the artist’s late œuvre, these multipart sculptures made of foam material and upholstered in colorful fabrics recapitulate what has been the defining quality of Walther’s art for more than five decades: The “escape from the picture”;

Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet Franz Erhard Walther (*1939) an einem neuen Werkblock, den Körperformen. Mit der Reife des Spätwerks rekapitulieren diese mehrteiligen Skulpturen aus mit farbigem Textil ummantelten Schaumstoff, was Walthers Oeuvre seit mehr als 50 Jahren kennzeichnet: Der „Ausstieg aus dem Bild“, die Auflösung eines statischen Werkbegriffs zugunsten einer dynamischen Beziehung zwischen Dingen, Personen, und ihrem gemeinsamen Raum. Walther wurde ein Pionier sowohl partizipativer wie auch minimalistischer Kunstformen, indem er seit 1962 teils seriell gefertigte Objekte bereitstellte, die zu Handlungen einluden und die Vorstellung eines aktiven Eingreifens der Betrachter – nun Benutzer – propagierten. Er entwarf eine relationale Ästhetik avant la lettre.

the dissolution of a static conception of the work in favor of a dynamic interrelation between things, persons, and the space they share. Starting in 1962, Walther became a pioneer of both participatory and minimalist forms in art by setting objects, sometimes manufactured in series, that invited hands-on application and championed the idea of active intervention on the part of the viewer-cum-user. He conceived a relational aesthetics avant la lettre. “Virtually no artist,” the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe recently noted, “changed the definition of what sculpture can be as early, or to as lasting effect, as he did.”

die Auflösung eines statischen Werkbegriffs zugunsten einer dynamischen Beziehung zwischen Dingen, Personen, und ihrem gemeinsamen Raum. Walther wurde ein Pionier sowohl partizipativer wie auch minimalistischer Kunstformen, indem er seit 1962 teils seriell gefertigte Objekte bereitstellte, die zu Handlungen einluden und die Vorstellung eines aktiven Eingreifens der Betrachter – nun Benutzer – propagierten. Er entwarf eine relationale Ästhetik avant la lettre. „Kaum ein Kunstschaffender“, schrieb jüngst das ZKM Karlsruhe, „hat die Definition, was Skulptur sein kann, derart frühzeitig und nachwirkend verändert wie er“.

Franz Erhard Walther, Körperformen WEINROT / Body Shapes BORDEAUX RED, 2013, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle, cloth (10 parts), Dimensions vary by installation

“Sculpture doesn’t need the eye,”

„Die Skulptur braucht das Auge nicht“,

“Sculpture doesn’t need the eye,” Walther writes with programmatic hyperbole in a note on a sketch made in 1966/69. His work is addressed not (only) to the gaze, but to the whole body, with all its senses and capacity for social interaction. His Vier Körperformen (Four Body Shapes, 1963), for example, are textile objects in organic cuts that may be held to different parts of the body, alone or together with others. In the 1970s, his installations take on architectural dimensions: corners, niches, and pathways offer viewpoints the audience can adopt, stepping into the sculptures and becoming part of them. Among the works Walther creates in the 1990s are the Konfigurationen (Configurations), abstract compositions whose proportions always remain related to the body, the space surrounding it, and the tactile qualities of the fabrics.

These and other strands in Walther’s œuvre resurface in the Körperformen, some of which are on display for the first time in the current exhibition at KOW. It is striking to see how playfully this influencial “Participatory Minimalist” (who has moved back to his native Fulda) conceives his objects. With their generously tailored outlines, sturdy volumes, and clear colors, the instrumental sculptures resemble a larger-than-life building-block set to be stacked up in the mind like a towering puzzle. Each work comes in several parts that may be combined to create a large self-contained shape. Some have curved surfaces designed to accommodate the human body. The Körperformen mediate between architecture, object, and human being, setting them in interrelation and lending them proportion.

Our exhibition, designed in collaboration with Franz Erhard Walther, also looks back on one of his most extensive wall installations from the early 1980s—the 24 Gelbe Säulen (24 Yellow Columns, 1982) is an ensemble of head-high cylindrical shapes in yellow muslin covers that has never been shown to the public. The antique-like motif is not a coincidence. From the beginning of his career, Walther sought to define an aesthetic that would dodge the challenges of shifting tastes as far as possible—that would, in its palette, materiality, and formal evolution, reach for the timeless or perhaps the untimely. This quest is the source of the quiet seriousness of Walther’s œuvre, which has nonetheless remained playful throughout the past 50 years. What’s more, it animates our ludic drives and solicits the involvement of an imagination perpetually spurred by an open conception of the work to exercise its agility.

Text: Alexander Koch / Translation: Gerrit Jackson, Kimberly Bradley / Photos: Alexander Koch

schreibt Franz Erhard Walther programmatisch überspitzt in einer Werkzeichnung von 1966/69. Seine Arbeit wendet sich nicht (nur) an den Blick, sondern an den ganzen Körper, an alle Sinne und an die soziale Interaktion. Seine Vier Körperformen von 1963 etwa sind organisch geschnittene Stoffobjekte, die sich an verschiedene Körperpartien anlegen lassen, allein oder gemeinsam mit anderen Personen. In den Siebzigerjahren nehmen seine Installationen dann architektonische Dimensionen an: Winkel, Nischen und Schreitbahnen offerieren Standpunkte, die sich vom Publikum einnehmen lassen, es tritt in die Skulpturen hinein, wird ein Teil von ihnen. In den Neunzigerjahren entstehen u.a. die Configurations, Formproportionen, die stets auf den Körper, den ihn umgebenden Raum und die Haptik der verwendeten Stoffe bezogen bleiben.

Franz Erhard Walther, 24 Gelbe Säulen / 24 Yellow Columns, 1982, Sewn dyed cotton fabric (16 of 24 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, Körperformen WEINROT / Body Shapes BORDEAUX RED, 2013, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle, cloth (10 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, Vier Formen ZIEGELTON / Four Shapes BRICK TONE, 2008, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle cloth (4 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, Vier Formen ZIEGELTON / Four Shapes BRICK TONE, 2008, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle cloth (4 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, Körperformen GELB / Body Shapes YELLOW, 2012, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle cloth (2 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, Körperformen GELB / Body Shapes YELLOW, 2012, Sewn dyed cotton fabric, foam, nettle cloth (2 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, 24 Gelbe Säulen / 24 Yellow Columns, 1982, Sewn dyed cotton fabric (16 of 24 parts), Dimensions vary by installation
Franz Erhard Walther, 24 Gelbe Säulen / 24 Yellow Columns, 1982, Sewn dyed cotton fabric (16 of 24 parts), Dimensions vary by installation, detail
Franz Erhard Walther, 24 Gelbe Säulen / 24 Yellow Columns, 1982, Sewn dyed cotton fabric (16 of 24 parts), Dimensions vary by installation, detail
Franz Erhard Walther, 24 Gelbe Säulen / 24 Yellow Columns, 1982, Sewn dyed cotton fabric (16 of 24 parts), Dimensions vary by installation

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Tools for Conviviality (Am Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna)

, Clegg & Guttmann, Anna Ehrenstein, Oswald Oberhuber, cameron clayborn, Heinz Frank, Blerta Hashani, Veronika Pausova, Dardan Zhegrova
Jun 21 – Jul 7, 2024

Social Geometry

, Clemens von Wedemeyer
Apr 26 – Jun 29, 2024

I'll Remember April

, Anna Boghiguian, Alice Creischer, Eugenio Dittborn, Sophie Gogl, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Sandra Brandeis Crawford, Goshka Macuga, Monsieur Zohore
Apr 26 – Jun 29, 2024

No more, not yet (Am Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna)

, Alice Creischer, Heinrich Dunst, Franz Erhard Walther, Frank Heath, Nova Jiang, Thomas Lerooy, Hanne Lippard, Emile Rubino, Nora Turato
May 15 – Jun 15, 2024

exercises in popular gymnastics

, Santiago Sierra
Mar 9 – Apr 13, 2024

CTRL V (Am Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna)

, CATPC, Sophie Gogl, Simon Lehner, Julien Bismuth, Tatjana Danneberg, Sam Ekwurtzel, Katja Mater, Florian Meisenberg
Apr 3 – May 11, 2024

Fremdkörper (Am Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna)

, Candice Breitz, Marco A. Castillo, Dierk Schmidt, Sharona Franklin, Baseera Khan, Brilant Milazimi, Hana Miletic, Mie Yim
Feb 17 – Mar 23, 2024

My Mountain Has No Summit

, Simon Lehner
Nov 18, 2023 – Feb 25, 2024


Teatro Popular

, Peter Friedl
Sep 15 – Nov 4, 2023

Like a Good, Good, Good Boy

, Hiwa K
Apr 28 – Jul 22, 2023

Casa Negra

, Marco A. Castillo
Mar 17 – Apr 15, 2023

Barbara Hammer & Hudinilson Jr

, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Hudinilson Jr
Mar 17 – Apr 15, 2023

Watching TV in Narva

, Tobias Zielony
Jan 28 – Mar 4, 2023

Das Auto Rosi aber

, Anna Boghiguian, Candice Breitz, Marco A. Castillo, Alice Creischer, Chto Delat, Heinrich Dunst, Anna Ehrenstein, Peter Friedl, Sophie Gogl, Clegg & Guttmann, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Hiwa K, Simon Lehner, Renzo Martens, Oswald Oberhuber, Mario Pfeifer, Santiago Sierra, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther
Nov 26, 2022 – Jan 14, 2023


Proof of the Unthinkable

, Mario Pfeifer
Sep 16 – Nov 12, 2022

JOINT VENTURES: Carlos∕Ishikawa, London

Richard Sides – Basic Vision
Sep 16 – Nov 12, 2022

KOW at Sperling, Munich: Various Others 2022

, Anna Ehrenstein, Andrew Gilbert
Sep 10 – Oct 15, 2022

Latest News

Istvan Kantor
Jul 15 – Aug 20, 2022

Canary Archive

, Chto Delat
Jul 15 – Aug 20, 2022

KOW at LA MAISON DE RENDEZ–VOUS, Brussels: Kleine Beestjes

, Sophie Gogl
Jul 6 – Aug 31, 2022

Anna Boghiguian

, Anna Boghiguian
Apr 29 – Jun 25, 2022

Anna Boghiguian / Alice Creischer

, Anna Boghiguian, Alice Creischer
Apr 29 – Jun 25, 2022


, CATPC, Renzo Martens
Feb 11 – Apr 8, 2022

The Albanian Conference: Home Is Where The Hatred Is

, Anna Ehrenstein, feat. DNA, Fadescha, Rebecca-Pokua Korang
Nov 12, 2021 – Jan 29, 2022

Idea / Ideal

, Marco A. Castillo
Nov 12, 2021 – Jan 29, 2022


Michael E. Smith

, Michael E. Smith
Sep 10 – Oct 31, 2021

The Bell Project

, Hiwa K
Jun 18 – Jul 24, 2021

Joint Ventures: Felix Gaudlitz, Vienna

Milena Büsch, Simon Lässig, Vera Lutz
Jun 18 – Jul 24, 2021


, Sophie Gogl
May 1 – Jul 24, 2021

What must not be, cannot be

, Mario Pfeifer
May 1 – Jun 12, 2021

Joint Ventures: Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Wien

Sonia Leimer – Junks of Joy
May 1 – Jun 12, 2021

Downstairs: Forced Love

Mar 26 – Apr 18, 2021

Permanente Veränderung

, Oswald Oberhuber
Mar 8 – Apr 18, 2021

JOINT ventures: Modern Art, London

Collier Schorr - Day for Night (1992/2021)
Mar 8 – Apr 18, 2021

Online exhibition: works on paper

, Oswald Oberhuber
Feb 1 – Mar 26, 2021

KOLONNEN - hohenzollern ist jetzt ein Verb

, Dierk Schmidt
Nov 20, 2020 – Jan 30, 2021

Downstairs: Airmail Paintings 186 and 192

, Eugenio Dittborn
Nov 20, 2020 – Jan 30, 2021

Online exhibition: The films

, Eugenio Dittborn
Dec 4, 2020 – Jan 31, 2021


Online exhibition: One night in a social network

, Chto Delat
Oct 4 – Dec 4, 2020

Would You Like to Meet Your Neighbor?

, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Sep 11 – Nov 7, 2020

Downstairs: Two recent films

, Tobias Zielony
Sep 11 – Nov 7, 2020


, Candice Breitz, Chto Delat, Clegg & Guttmann, Alice Creischer, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of Barbara Hammer, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze, Hiwa K, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Oswald Oberhuber, Mario Pfeifer, Dierk Schmidt, Santiago Sierra, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, CATPC, Anna Ehrenstein, Christoph Schäfer
May 23 – Aug 15, 2020

Online exhibition: The Illusion of a Crowd

, Clemens von Wedemeyer
Apr 7 – May 31, 2020


, Candice Breitz
Feb 29 – Apr 30, 2020

Machines to change the world

Elena Asins
Feb 15 – Mar 14, 2020

Downstairs: Maschinen zur Veränderung der Welt

, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze
Feb 15 – Mar 14, 2020


, Estate of León Ferrari
Nov 23, 2019 – Feb 1, 2020

Michael E. Smith

, Michael E. Smith
Sep 13, 2019 – Jan 25, 2020



, Alice Creischer, Dierk Schmidt, Michael E. Smith, Brandlhuber+, Larissa Fassler, Adelita Husni-Bey, Peng!, Andrea Pichl, Andreas Siekmann, Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca, Weekend & Plaste, et al.
Sep 7 – Nov 9, 2019

Oberhuber. Un futuro.

, Oswald Oberhuber
May 31 – Jul 27, 2019

Clegg & Guttmann and Franz Erhard Walther

, Clegg & Guttmann, Franz Erhard Walther
Apr 26 – Jul 27, 2019

Make up

, Tobias Zielony
Mar 2 – May 18, 2019


Henrike Naumann
Feb 2 – Apr 28, 2019

His Master's Voice

, Alice Creischer
Nov 24, 2018 – Jan 19, 2019


, Eugenio Dittborn
Nov 24, 2018 – Jan 19, 2019

Contribution to Light. The Early Works of Barbara Hammer

, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Sep 13, 2018 – Jan 31, 2019


Was euch am Leben hält, ist, was bei uns zu Asche zerfällt *

, Alice Creischer, Mario Pfeifer, Michael E. Smith, Tobias Zielony, Henrike Naumann
Sep 8 – Nov 10, 2018


Los Carpinteros
Apr 28 – Jul 21, 2018


, Tobias Zielony
Mar 24 – Apr 15, 2018

Double Bodies

, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger
Feb 10 – Mar 17, 2018

Hotel Résistance

Ahmet Öğüt
Nov 25, 2017 – Jan 28, 2018


Michael E. Smith

, Michael E. Smith
Sep 16 – Nov 5, 2017

Love Story

, Candice Breitz
Apr 29 – Jul 30, 2017

On the Possibility of Light

, Chto Delat
Feb 18 – Apr 9, 2017

On Fear and Education, Disenchantment and Justice, Protest and Disunion in Saxony / Germany

, Mario Pfeifer
Dec 1, 2016 – Apr 15, 2017

The Cabinet of Ramon Haze

, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze
Nov 19, 2016 – Jan 29, 2017

Things, Not Words

, Heinrich Dunst
Nov 19, 2016 – Jan 29, 2017


Barbara Hammer & Oswald Oberhuber

, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Oswald Oberhuber
Sep 17 – Nov 6, 2016

Out Of The Dark

, Chto Delat, Alice Creischer, Eugenio Dittborn, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Hiwa K, Renzo Martens, Chris Martin, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Mario Pfeifer, Dierk Schmidt, Tina Schulz, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze
Jun 26 – Jul 31, 2016

The Citizen

, Tobias Zielony
Apr 30 – Jun 12, 2016

This Lemon Tastes of Apple

, Hiwa K
Apr 30 – Jun 12, 2016

Broken Windows 6.3

, Dierk Schmidt
Mar 12 – Apr 16, 2016

Cast Behind You The Bones Of Your Mother

, Clemens von Wedemeyer
Dec 19, 2015 – Feb 27, 2016


Left To Our Own Devices

Hito Steyerl
Sep 17 – Dec 5, 2015

A Summer Of Films

, Chto Delat, Alice Creischer, Eugenio Dittborn, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Renzo Martens, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Mario Pfeifer, Tina Schulz, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Screening program
Jun 28 – Jul 26, 2015

Approximation In The Digital Age To A Humanity Condemned To Disappear

, Mario Pfeifer
May 2 – Jun 25, 2015

A Lucky Day

, Renzo Martens, CATPC
May 2 – Jul 26, 2015

Time Capsule. Artistic Report on Catastrophes and Utopia

, Chto Delat
Feb 28 – Apr 18, 2015

Have A Crush

, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Jan 10 – Feb 14, 2015

Dream Lovers. The Films 2008–2014

, Tobias Zielony
Dec 6, 2014 – Feb 14, 2015



, Heinrich Dunst
Nov 1 – Dec 18, 2014

Pinturas Aeropostales

, Eugenio Dittborn
Sep 13 – Nov 23, 2014

Cool Drink on a Hot Day

, Chris Martin
May 3 – Jul 27, 2014

In The Stomach Of The Predators

, Alice Creischer
Mar 1 – Apr 19, 2014



, Franz Erhard Walther
Nov 30 – Feb 13, 2013

40 cbm Of Earth From The Iberian Peninsula

, Santiago Sierra
Sep 14 – Oct 30, 2013

Michael E. Smith II

, Michael E. Smith
Apr 27 – Jul 13, 2013


, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Feb 16 – Apr 14, 2013


, Alice Creischer, Chto Delat, Estate of Barbara Hammer, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Walther, Tobias Zielony, Zanny Begg, Joseph Beuys, Arno Brandlhuber, Ines Doujak, Philippe Halsman, Adrian Piper, Pussy Riot, Christoph Schlingensief, Andreas Siekmann, Santiago Sierra, Andreas Slominski, Sean Snyder
Nov 10, 2012 – Feb 3, 2013


Im Archipel

Arno Brandlhuber
Sep 8 – Oct 21, 2012

Das Etablissement der Tatsachen The Establishment of Matters of Fact

, Alice Creischer
Apr 27 – Jul 22, 2012


, Tobias Zielony
Feb 3 – Apr 15, 2012

Tina Schulz

, Tina Schulz
Nov 5, 2011 – Jan 28, 2012


A Formal Film In Nine Episodes, Prologue & Epilogue

, Mario Pfeifer
Sep 10 – Oct 28, 2011

Social Violence

, Santiago Sierra, Cady Noland
Apr 30 – Jul 29, 2011

Barbara Hammer

, Estate of Barbara Hammer
Feb 12 – Mar 17, 2011

Franz Erhard Walther

, Franz Erhard Walther
Nov 6, 2010 – Feb 11, 2011


Chris Martin

, Chris Martin
Sep 11 – Oct 24, 2010

Michael E. Smith

, Michael E. Smith
Jun 12 – Jul 25, 2010

Vele, Zgora

, Tobias Zielony
May 1 – Jun 5, 2010

The Fourth Wall

, Clemens von Wedemeyer
Jan 23 – Apr 22, 2010

Antirepresentationalism 3: Issues of Empathy Conceptual and Socially oriented Art in Leipzig 1997–2009

, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze, Mario Pfeifer, Tina Schulz, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Peggy Buth, Jan Caspers/ Anne König/ Jan Wenzel, Chat, Markus Dressen, Famed, Till Gathmann, Lina Grumm, Andreas Grahl, Henriette Grahnert, Mark Hamilton, Bertram Haude, Ramon Haze, Oliver Kossack, Andrea Legiehn, Thomas Lüer, Claudia Annette Maier, Ulrich Polster, Julius Popp, schau-vogel-schau, Julia Schmidt, Tilo Schulz, spector cut+paste, Christoph Weber, Arthur Zalewski
Nov 28, 2009 – Jan 15, 2010


Antirepresentationalism 2: Trouble with Realism. Conceptual and Socially oriented Art in Leipzig 1997–2009

, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze, Mario Pfeifer, Tina Schulz, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Peggy Buth, Famed, Markus Dressen, Andreas Grahl, Henriette Grahnert, Eiko Grimmberg/ Arthur Zalewski, Mark Hamilton, Ramon Haze, Oliver Kossack, Claudia Annette Maier, Ulrich Polster, Julius Popp, schau-vogel-schau (Marcel Bühler, Alexander Koch), Julia Schmidt, Tilo Schulz, spector cut+paste, Christoph Weber
Oct 17 – Nov 21, 2009

Antirepresentationalism 1: Politics of Redescription. Conceptual and Socially oriented Art in Leipzig 1997–2009

, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze, Mario Pfeifer, Tina Schulz, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tobias Zielony, Peggy Buth, Jan Caspers/ Anne König/ Jan Wenzel, Chat, Markus Dressen, Famed, Till Gathmann, Lina Grumm, Andreas Grahl, Henriette Grahnert, Mark Hamilton, Bertram Haude, Oliver Kossack, Andrea Legiehn, Thomas Lüer, Claudia Annette Maier, Ulrich Polster, Julius Popp, schau-vogel-schau, Julia Schmidt, Tilo Schulz, spector cut+paste, Christoph Weber, Arthur Zalewski
Sep 4 – Oct 10, 2009

KOW ISSUE 5: Spirituality and Anti-Universalism

, Chris Martin
May 1 – May 30, 2009


, Tina Schulz
Apr 3 – Apr 27, 2009

KOW ISSUE 3: Detroits' Post-Fordism

, Michael E. Smith
Mar 27 – Mar 29, 2009

KOW ISSUE 1: Participatory Minimalism

, Franz Erhard Walther
Feb 27 – Mar 21, 2009
